MAG Creation

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歲月不留痕,心中卻能烙滿妳的足印! 相遇,相悅,相知, 相愛,相隨......是妳! 只有妳,是時間不可以改,不受時 間影響,不朽的,永恆的,是我窮一生去守護的......真! 妳就是我的TIMELESS,誠如願! Years may not leave a mark, But your footsteps remain imprinted in my soul. To meet, delight, know, love and's you! Only you, time cannot change, unaffected by time's passage, accidently, eternally, What I will protect my whole life...truly! You are my TIMELESS, as I wish!

Timeless 系列 即刻選購>

設計師於2023年創立品牌Trinitas,從小夢想成為一位珠寶設計師, 入行至今已15年,獲得不少獎項。不停追求創新思維,把特別設計 概念融入在生活中。 Trinitas is created in 2023. Dreaming to be a jewelry designer since childhood, the Designer keeps working in the industry for 15 years as well as winning many awards in jewelry competitions. Her dream is never changed: Pursuing innovative thinking and integrating special design concepts into lifestyles!

Trinitas 系列 即刻選購>

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